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環境・リサイクル高速クリーンパッカーFNL308CCHigh-speed clean packer scale, FNL308CCEnvironment/Recycling鉄鋼Iron and Steel高精度・高速化で収益向上、異物混入レスで安全・安心を提供します。3つの特徴①高精度で歩留まり向上②高速化でイニシャルコストを削減します。③異物混入しません。Realizes more profitability through greater accuracy and speed,and safety and security thanks to a contaminant-free structure.Three major features:1. Greater accuracy thus greater yields2. Greater speed reduces initial cost3. Free from entry of foreign material化学Chemistry自動定量充填機FGL-014AASAutomatic weighing filler, FGL-014AASタイヤゴムTire Rubber無段階サーボ投入方法の採用で高速投入。特徴●小形軽量化を実現●多品種・少量生産に最適●分解・洗浄が容易●異物混入対策は万全食品FoodsHigh-speed filling via the adoption of a step-less servo filling system.Features:●Reduced size and weight●Ideal for high-mix low-volume production●Easy disassembly/cleaning●Eliminates any contaminationガラス塵芥車用荷重計Load meter for garbage truckGlass電力Electricity回収したごみ・古紙をその場で計量可能。取引の明確化・過積載防止。塵芥車のボディ全体がはかりとなっており、塵芥車にごみ・古紙を投入するだけで計量できます。計量データのプリントアウト・USBメモリ保存ができます。MDI-100Garbage or used paper can be weighed on the spot.Clearly controls information on the load, thuspreventing any overloading.The entire body of the truck is a scale and hence any wasteand used paper hauled into the truck can be very simplyweighed. The weight data can then be printed out or stored ona USB flash drive.PRT-300